Ladies' Section News

Club Championship Weekend Results: ​

CC Flight - Homestead Trophy Winner: Jenn Lochhead
Runner-​u​p: Jayne Chalmers

A Flight - Ladies' Centennial Trophy: Winner: Nicola Jamani
Runner-up: Judy Ashley

B Flight - Ladies' Presidents' Cup: Winner: Helen Thomson
Runner-up: Sharon McChesney

C Flight - Marion Meakins Cup: Winner: Marg Scime

​Congratulations to all the ladies who played and the winners.​

Frances Gibson Ferrie Bowl

Competitors: Kathy Chittley-Young, Martha Mitchell, Barb Beaudoin, Jayne Chalmers,
Judy Ashley, Ginny Parks, Meg Pigott, Sue Fitzgerald​

Senior Club Championship

The Senior CC (50 years+) will be held Saturday and Sunday, August 23 and 24. Sign up online on in the locker room.

Ladies' Day - August 5

​A Flight - 1st Low Gross: Susan Fitzgerald
1st Low Net: Susan Courneya
2nd Low Net: Rachelle Solski

B Flight - 1st Low Gross: Martha Mitchell
1st Low Net: Karen Llewellyn
2nd Low Net: Gay Coates

C Flight - 1st Low Gross: May Morgan
1st Low Net: Marny Riddell
2nd Low Net: Andrea Esson

Birdies: May Morgan (5E), Gay Coates (8S), and Sue Fitzgerald (7E)​

Miss Harvey Cup: Played August 12

Winner: Susan Courneya
Runners-up: Ginny Parks, Diane Campbell and Janette Forrest​

Lewis Cup 80th Anniversary

Thursday August 28 at Brantford Golf Club: golf and lunch for any ladies who have either played in the Lewis Cup events or helped by driving or scoring etc. Sign up in the locker room.

Ladies' Day - August 12

Format: Net Stableford
1st: Arlene Swenor
2nd: Ursula Blair
3rd: Gay Coates

Birdies: Ursula Blair, Ann Cosens, Karen Llewellyn, Pat Hardie and Meg Pigott